Fuffy is a piggy bank. It helps you to understand how much you should save per month to cover your expenses.
How it works?
Enter the date with the simple intelligent wizard
Connect your bank account
Get sweet notifications, like "Hey! Your phone is to old! Here is your saved money for a new one!"
John is a young man who just started his independent life. He has many things to buy and does not know how to sort them.
That’s why he needs a financial plan, but an easy one because he does not like accounting, he finds it boring and complicated.
But Fuffy is here to help him ! In this platform he enters the data of his own stuff, with the length of the duration he thinks he will use them, and Fuffy tells him how much money he should save every month and indicates him when he should change his phone for example. This is related to his bank account.
Our team
Project Manager
Web developer